Demystifying Self-Care
Though often talked about in terms of bubble baths and desserts, self-care can be much more than that.
Simply put, self-care is about how we take care of our relationships with ourselves. And to paraphrase Daring Greatly, it's not so much about what you do as why you do it...
One of my favorite things to talk about in terms of caring for ourselves is how there is both gentle and firm self-care. Listening to and respecting our needs can include both resting and watching our favorite show AND finally finishing our taxes.
Let me explain...
Both examples can be ways to soothe and support ourselves. If we are going, going, going, not allowing ourselves to settle down and savor or be quiet, a favorite show might be a great way to enjoy a simple, intentional pleasure. Similarly, if we have put off a task (like our taxes!), it often is more draining than actually doing it.
Yep... when we procrastinate we are typically creating and recreating negative, distracting, and unintended emotional reactions within ourselves. With that said, doing the dang thing starts to sound like a great way to take care of ourselves in so many ways!
What is some gentle self-care you need today? Like a walk, meditation, calling a friend, a square of dark chocolate...
How about some firm love you might need from you today? A task put off, or a call that needs to be made, or a bed time respected...
Over the next few weeks I'm going to be sharing some of my personal insight, research-based, and client tested strategies and perspectives to help us all demystify and redesign our approach to caring for our relationship with self.
What questions do you have? What do you find works well for you as an overall approach? What resources have you learned from?