

Powerlane Podcast with Shirlayne Quayle

Charting Your Own Course

In this podcast, we talk about my upbringing in life and life coaching, my pursuits in the classroom of rock climbing, and my upcoming TEDx Talk with TEDx St George (!!!!!).  

Beyond that, Shirlayne really draws out my perspective on charting my own course, sitting in curiosity with myself and others, and building up the courage to go out on a limb in many aspects of my life. We talk about my travels and how getting out in the world invites mindful exploration of cultural and intergenerational stories. We also dive into my process and experiences in building trust to change my life when the current equation has expired.


The Power Company

Wellness & Habits for Climbing Performance

Climbing has never been a purely physical pursuit. Even if that is the initial draw, climbing has a way of pulling your mental and emotional states in, utilizing and amplifying them, and ultimately, if you arrive with awareness, helping you understand those states better. All while we get to try as absolutely hard as we want to. Beautiful.

In this episode, we discuss the intersection of our climbing and the rest of our lives, and how our habits and lifestyle off the wall can affect our performance on the wall.


The Nugget Climbing

Radical Honesty, the Mindfulness Muscle, and Cycling Priorities

In this episode of The Nugget Climbing, we talk about bringing awareness to our relationship with climbing, practicing radical honesty, ways of strengthening the mindfulness muscle, cycling priorities, and ways that we have struggled to find balance between work and climbing. It’s a good one y’all, I hope you enjoy!

keeping your cool while climbing.jpg

The Enormocast

Life, climbing goals, and responsibility

Chris and I sit down in my little RV in a dark Indian Creek UT parking lot and talk about real life ups and downs, goal setting, failure, and inspiration. It was more than a blast to learn from this man who, “First visited Indian Creek when (I was) 4…” I like to think I had a little to share, but like always, I walked away with more to consider, learn from, and let go of.



Hear Her Sports:

Mountains, failure, and coaching

Elizabeth and I talk about my strange and nonlinear journey in climbing, success and failure, integrative wellness coaching, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  It was wonderful!

But then…

After our conversation, I felt pretty nervous of the outcome.  How did I come across?  Was I too excited (…standard)?  Did I overexplain, underexplain? 

Was. It. Perfect??!!

Even the idea of sharing the podcast was not everything my inner critic wanted me to do. 
“Maybe share it if you do another and are less gabber-y?” 

Well, spoiler alert:  No, it is not perfect.

It was imperfect. I was my standard excited-self, could have edited out a few ramblings, realize I say “like” more than I would, like, like to…

AND it was so incredible to hear my story through Elizabeth’s vision of feminist sports coverage.  My story is something I am proud of; the roughness and smooth-sailing, the shadow and the sparkly bits.

My inner critic jumped up for a moment, it’s true.  And I politely asked her to get in the backseat and not touch anything- I have places to go and will not be handing out the wheel, thank you.

Give it a listen, send me your thoughts.

What was something that pushed you out of your comfort zone?  How do you respond or react to failure? 
