Managing Our Energy Levels

Managing energy levels to not feel drained after work is important for our wellbeing. Learn how to set habits and routines to keep you feeling awake and energized without that fourth cup of coffee.

Our mind, body and emotions can be seen as pools…

At the beginning of the day, we have a certain amount of water in the pool.

We use this mental, emotional, and physical pool

for our lives, work, families, play, goals…

Throughout the day, we can make deposits and withdrawals that impact how we feel, think, and interact.  Sometimes it is intentional, other times there is a hole in the pool.

The key to more energy, clarity, and healthy recovery is simple yet subtle.  Knowing your energizers and drains, effective ways to settle down in the moment, and clear stoke-builders can help you feel energized after a long day of responsibilities.

There is a time and place for tension, alertness, and fast-thinking— it is important we learn how to choose it purposefully so it doesn’t sap our stoke.

I have created an online Epic Energy Workshop that focuses on energy management. With this affordable course, you will have a step-by-step process for creating and sustaining healthier habits and routines in your day.  The clarifying workbook helps dial in YOUR self-care equation while guided meditations shed even more light on what you *want* from your days.  Interested? Check it out:

As always, you are more than enough,
