Inner Teacher: Self-Guided Wellness

Inner Teacher: Self-Guided Wellness

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You know yourself better than anyone else so why not guide yourself through this wellness journey? In this package you get the same resources I provide my 1:1 clients. Be the awesome self-starter you are (or know you can be) and go through each workshop at your own pace.

These tools are evidence-based from a wide range of health, wellness, personal growth, and neuropsychology research.  We then take them into application, making them palatable and approachable in real life.


  • Emotional Clearing Technique session. A 2-hour series of guided visualizations for processing and releasing past negative emotional experiences and beliefs limiting your growth and potential. One of the most effective tools I offer my clients.

  • Online courses in Habit, Goals, Mindfulness, Intuitive Eating and more + worksheets ($700 value)

  • Epic Energy: Worklife Self-Care Course access ($200 value)

  • Pivot’s Wellness Workbook, 140+ pages of worksheets, tools, journal templates, and workshop materials