Boosting Your Willpower, Resolutions, and Goals


There are a lot of myths thrown around about willpower.  Namely, that one has or doesn’t have it…

That’s a pretty fixed mindset!

The truth (that is, science) of it, though, is that willpower and “discipline” are like muscles – they are strengthened and fatigued depending on work load.  If something is physically, mentally, or emotionally taxing, it is likely to impact our willpower. Like, if you are on a restrictive diet, you might find you have less willpower to exercise, or even maintain the restriction.  Or, if you have been forcing a smile all day while you’re feeling pretty sad inside, your willpower muscle might lead you to “mindless” choices later in the day.

And so, an unfortunate cycle can often begin!  Our willpower is low, so we make choices that leave us feeling down about our sense of willpower, which further drains our resolve and commitment, and on and on it goes.

The first important step is awareness.  Yes, you do this. We all do.

There are also some simple, effective strategies when we notice our willpower is low that will help build it back up.

  1. Create rules to live by.  Like, “I make time for movement in the morning.”  Or, “I do not eat my lunch at my desk.” Keep them simple and self-care oriented.

  2. Goal setting in small chunks.  What would be the very first step?  Then the next? The next? Start there.

  3. Distraction.  If you are finding yourself craving a behavior you know won’t serve you in the long run; change the scene, change your train of thought…

  4. Reframing.  Change “I can’t have more cookies.” To “I choose not to have more cookies.”

  5. Avoidance.  If something consistently creates unhealthy choices, start erasing it as much as possible.

  6. ”If (When)____________, then ____________“ sentences.  If I want another glass of wine, then I will drink two glasses of water first.  If I want to skip the gym tonight, I will take the dog on twice as long of a walk.

Let me know how these resonate with you, how they work, and if you’ve ever seen them in action in your life.

As always…

You’re more than enough,


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