Compassion: The Multi-Tool of Emotion

When we can slow our thinking and expand our feeling to include others, we are at the door of compassion.  Stepping through that door takes immense courage.  The courage to listen to ourselves and others in a way that we can hear deeply.  The courage to put down our weapons and remember, as Aborginal activist, Lilla Watson says, “Your liberation is bound up with mine… let us work together.”

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What is life coaching? When is a good time to work with a life coach?

What exactly is a life coach? And how do you know when it’s time for you to find one? A recent conversation with a prospective client inspired me to write this post. Despite that life coaching is a growing industry, it is still quite young and many people still have lots of questions! I hope this post helps answer some of them.

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Blake's 5 Tips on Applied Mindfulness

For years I was convinced I could not meditate, my brain too fast and loud. Over time I have cultivated mindfulness and found ways to make it accessible for myself and others. Here are my top five tips on how to find a mindful starting place.

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Blake Cason